Theme Design
Theme Repository
The Onion Theme Repository has moved to its own repository.
Do you want to share your own custom themes with the community? ❤️ Click here !
Blueprint Theme (Credit: Aemiii91)
The Blueprint theme can be used as theming layout template for starting any new theme :
Since Onion v4 you have additional assets in skin/extra
: Custom boot screenScreen_Off.png
: Shutting down screenScreen_Off_Save.png
: Saving + Shutting down screenchargingState0.png
: 24 images for charging animation, and you can addchargingState.json
containing a frame delay value (default: 80 milliseconds - values over 10,000 will be parsed as microseconds):{ "frame_delay": 80 }
: 11 images for brightness slidertoggle-on
-> little toggle which are present in Pack Manager and Tweaks for example.
Default Fonts (Credit: Aemiii91)
It is no longer necessary to include the following fonts in your theme, just point the font paths in config.json
to /mnt/SDCARD/miyoo/app/[FONT FILE]
See the list of included fonts
BPreplay Bold
Download BPreplay • OFL License
Exo 2 Bold Italic
Download Exo 2 • OFL License
Helvetica Neue
Free for personal use
Helvetica Neue Bold
Free for personal use
WenQuanYi Micro Hei
Download Micro Hei • GPL License
Adobe Blank
Use this font to hide specific text elements in your theme.
Download Adobe Blank • OFL License"Adobe Blank is a special-purpose OpenType font that is intended to render all Unicode code points using non-spacing and non-marking glyphs"
Theme Development Tools
Onion Theme Viewer
(Credit: ruidacosta)A theme viewer desktop application, available for both Mac and Windows.
HTML Preview page
(Credit: Weston Campbell)Drop the html file in the theme folder and launch it.